Brisbane Man Free Dating in Queensland



Age: 62

Loc: Brisbane, Queensland

Key Info

Sexual status
1 public
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I want great 1-on-1 encounters and cybersex

What do I want?

I just want a woman who will love me and who wants to have a good sex life with me and to share with me all the good things in life. A soulmate who wants me to make love to her and who wants to make love to me. I want you to enjoy kissing my hot penis and licking and sucking it till it erupts in your mouth, I want you to stroke it and fondle it in your hands, I want to lick your hot moist vagina and to bring you to many orgasms, I want you to send naked photos of youself and be really turned on to what I have to say and I want you to do the same as I feel we are as one and we can be that way with each other as I feel I can be like that with you and I want us to be that way with each is what makes it and love!!!!

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