Tempe Man Free Personals in Arizona



Age: 52

Loc: Tempe, Arizona

Key Info

Sexual status
1 public
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I love sex!

What do I want?

My favorite position(s) are trying to just playing them where ever they lay, sit stand , or just catch'em on the fly, crawl or squirm. I have sex Never - that's why I'm here. I have not had a one-night stand but I'd love to right now. Some places I like to have sex are: in the elevator, at the beach, in a park, in the kitchen, in a hot tub, in a car, in the office, at the movies, at school. I masturbate a few times a week. I'm in need of some athletic inspiration to build up my stamina. Hook up with me after work a few times a week and i'll chase you around the block for some working on my physical improvements and see how bad i really want to catch ya! I'm a 2nd shifter so running at night is better and if i catch ya then we're already in a dark place to see whats good in the neighborhood. It's the "MILLS Effect" as they used to say.

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