Man Singles in Jefferson City in Missouri



Age: 32

Loc: Jefferson City, Missouri

Key Info

Sexual status
1 public
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Out of 150 million sperm I was the fastest and strongest

What do I want?

First off, I don't have any idea how to write these things. I'm pretty sure it's impossible to make a profile and not come off sounding kinda cheesy,...and I'm completely ok with that. lol I don't know how easy it is to sum up "me" in a few sentences but i'll try. I'm outgoing, rarely take life very seriously. that's just a good way to die extremely old at a very young age, remember that. I'm a musician/waiter in a vacation lake town that might just be a new sodom and gomorra on the water in the middle of the bible belt. (it's actually a lot cooler than it sounds, I swear to god....hehe, no pun intended) just for this summer though, I've got to go to recording school in chillicothe OH for a couple of months after that. ok...I have a sex drive that's off the charts. as soon as I get off i can't wait to go at it again. a couple of weeks ago i had sex eleven times in one night.i absolutely love going down on a girl, i could do it for days. i'm a little bit of a romantic, but I'm not gonna get into that right now lol ...anyway, that's about it

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