Man Onling Dating in Decatur in Georgia



Age: 35

Loc: Decatur, Georgia

Key Info

Sexual status
3 public
Latest status
Party guy looking to have fun, make friends and have a ton of sex with them

What do I want?

I'm a fun type, my favorite rhetorical question is "Hey dude do you want another beer?". I love the nightlife, I'm told I'm a fairly entertaining individual (then again, depends on the definition of entertaining don't it?*L*), I love to keep 'em laughing as well as keep the women moaning, screaming and panting. I'm an alpha geek, leader of the nerd pack, love movies, video games, books, comics, cartoons, you name it. I'm an anime/hentai freak...hell, I'm just a freak period *LOL*. Sexually, I'm into a lot of things, but sadly I'm completely straight, man bisexuals have all the luck but I guess I just got a fetish for the double X chromosome. No scat, golden showers, kids or animals but almost everything else that I can think of is fair game. As for the physicality, I'm six two, one ninety, thick built, the cock is average but at least I've been assured that I definately know how to use it *L*

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